Buy Macedonian books from the Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada
The following is a list of some publications about
- Amnesty International: Annual Human Rights Report
Amnesty International, London, 1993-1999
- A Turbulent Priest? Freedom of Religion in Greece and the Trials of Nikodimos Tsarknias
A Trial Observation Report by Timothy Otty, M.A. (Cantab), B.L., 1996
- (The) Balkans: Minorities and States in Conflict
Hugh Poulton, Minority Rights Group, London, 1994
245 pages, ISBN 1-873194-40-4(5)
- Black Seed
Tashko Georgievski, translated by Elizabeth Kolupacev Stewart,
Pollitecon Publications, Sydney, 1996
113 pages, ISBN 0 9586789 0 1
- Children of the Bird Goddess
Pandora Petrovska, Kita Sapurma, Pollitecon Publications, Sydney, 1997
168 pages, ISBN 0 9586789 X
- Chronicle of the World
Mercer, Derrick, et al., Dorling Kindersley Limited, London, 1996
- Country Human Rights Practices
United States Department of State,
(for Greece, Albania, Bulgaria), Washington, 1994-1999
- (The) Crisis in the Balkans: the Macedonian Question and the Working Class
International Socialist Organization, Chicago, 1992
36 pages; ISBN 0-935867-11-2
- Denying Ethnic
Identity - the Macedonians of Greece
Human Rights
Watch/Helsinki, New York, 1994
85 pages; ISBN 1-56432-132-0
- Destroying Ethnic Identity- Selective Persecution of
Macedonians in Bulgaria
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, New York, 1991
16 pages
- (The) Epic of Ilinden, edited by Boris Vishinski, Macedonian Review, Skopje, 1973
- Ethnolinguistic Minorities in Greece - 1995, Greek Helsinki
Monitor, Athens, 1995
- (The) Fall of Yugoslavia
Misha Glenny, Penguin Books, New York, 1993
- Fields of Wheat, Hills of Blood
Anastasia Karakasidou, University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1997
208 pages; ISBN 0-9680709-0-6
- Greece Against
Its Macedonian Minority - The Rainbow Trial
Greek Helsinki Monitor, Athens, 1998
208 pages; ISBN 0-9680709-0-6
- Greece - Free Speech on Trial: Government Stifles Dissent on
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, New York:, July 1993, Volume 5, Issue 9
- Greek Monitor of Human and Minority Rights
Minority Rights Group and Greek Helsinki Monitor, 1995
- Human Rights Violations against Ethnic Macedonians Report 1996
Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Canada, Toronto, 1996
113 pages; ISBN 0-9680709-0-6
- Human Rights Watch World Report
Human Rights Watch/Helsinki, New York, 1996-1999
- In Search of the Macedonians of Pakistan
Michael A. Dimitri, Alexandra Publishing, Fort Wayne, 1995
- In the Shadow of Olympus - the Emergence of Macedon
Eugene N. Borza, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1990
- Linguistic Minorities in the European Economic Community: Spain, Portugal, Greece
Summary of the Report, Commission of the European Communities, Luxembourg, 1990
- Macedonia and
Greece - The Struggle to Define a New Balkan Nation
John Shea, McFarland and Company Inc, North Carolina, 1997
423 pages; ISBN 0-9680709-0-6
- Macedonia and Its Relations With Greece
Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Skopje, 1993
- Macedonia Through the Ages
Jacques Bacid, Macedonian World Congress, 1983
- Macedonian Agenda
Victor Bivell (editor), Pollitecon Publications, Sydney, 1995
232 pages, ISBN 0 646 22162 0
- The Macedonian
Conflict : Ethnic Nationalism in a
Transnational World
Loring Danforth, Princeton University Press, New Jersey, 1995
273 pages; ISBN 0-691-04357-4
- Macedonian Immigrants in Canada and their Background
Macedonian Canadian Senior Citizens Club, Toronto, 1980
- (The) Macedonians of Aegean Macedonia: A British Officer's Report, 1944
The Slavonic and East European Review, Volume 69, Number 2, pages 283-309, Andrew Rossos, April 1991
- Makedonski Icelenuchki Almanac '97
Matitsa na Icelenuchite od Makedonija, Skopje, 1997
- Men In White Aprons - A Study of Ethnicity and Occupation
Harry Vjekoslav Herman, Webcom Limited, Toronto, 1978
Rainbow Party, Bi-monthly publication, chief editor
Stavros Anastasiadis, Lerin, Aegean Macedonia
- (The) Other Balkan Wars: 1913 Carnegie Endowment Inquiry in Retrospect
Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Washington, 1993
- Panorama - Vol.2 No.1
Macedonian Cultural Society "ISKRA", Adelaide, 1996
- Report of Europe/89 Delegation: The Way Ahead for Macedonian Human Rights
Macedonian Human Rights Movement of Greece, 1989
- (The) Rising Sun In the Balkans: The Republic Of
International Affairs Agency, Sydney, Pollitecon Publications, 1995.
68 pages, ISBN 0 646 20927 2
- Salonica Terminus
Fred A. Reed, Talonbooks, Burnaby, 1996
- (The) Slav Macedonians in Greece
Danish Helsinki Committee, Copenhagen, 1993
- Sojourners and Settlers
Lilian Petroff, University of Toronto Press, Toronto, 1995
- (The) Southern Balkans
Minority Rights Group, United Kingdom, 1994
25 pages; ISBN 1 897693 75 3
- What Europe Has Forgotten: The Struggle Of the Aegean Macedonians
Association Of Macedonians In Poland, Pollitecon Publications, Sydney, 1992, reprinted 1995.
68 pages, ISBN 0 646 12211 8
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